The following folder structure is the result of combining different workflows, concepts and tools that will be introduced to you in the following chapters. But here's a basic overview of what is going on and what you can expect.

First of all your project root is NOT your webroot. There is a lot more happening in your web projects ecosystem that shouldn't be shipped to production. The root of your project has the following basic structure:

|-- db
|-- source
|-- templates
|    |
|    |-- dist
|    |
|    `-- src
|-- bower.js
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- package.json

Following the guidelines of this documentation your project's setup will probably look something like this at the end:

|-- db
|-- source
|-- templates
|    |
|    |-- dist
|    |    `-- assets
|    |    |    `-- web
|    |    |        |-- css
|    |    |        |    |-- styles.css
|    |    |        |    `-- styles.min.css
|    |    |        |
|    |    |        |-- js
|    |    |        |    |-- scripts.min.js
|    |    |        |    |-- plugins.min.js
|    |    |        |    |-- vendor.min.js
|    |    |        |    `-- vendor
|    |    |        |        `-- *.js
|    |    |        |
|    |    |        |-- fonts
|    |    |        `-- img
|    |    |
|    |    `-- styleguide.html
|    |    `-- index.html
|    |
|    `-- src
|        |-- inc
|        |    |-- *.inc.html
|        |    `-- *.inc.php
|        |
|        |-- assets
|        |    `-- web
|        |        |-- fonts
|        |        |-- sass
|        |        |    |-- generic
|        |        |    |    `-- *.scss
|        |        |    |
|        |        |    |-- specific
|        |        |    |    `-- *.scss
|        |        |    |
|        |        |    |-- settings.scss
|        |        |    `-- styles.scss
|        |        |
|        |        `-- js
|        |        |    |-- scripts
|        |        |    |    `-- *.js
|        |        |    |
|        |        |    |-- plugins
|        |        |    |    `-- *.js
|        |        |    |
|        |        |    |-- scripts.js
|        |        |    |-- plugins.js
|        |        |    `-- vendor.js
|        |        |
|        |        `-- img
|        |
|        |-- styleguide.html
|        `-- index.html
|-- bower.js
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- package.json