Good reasons why you should use a naming convention

  • Good readability of your code
  • Easy to maintain since there is always a comprehensible scope
  • Self explaining HTML and CSS structure
  • Automatic modularization of your CSS code
  • Your teammates will love you

Naming classes is probably the hardest part about writing CSS and is poorly underrated. Choosing a meaningful naming-convention can improve the readability of your code and guarantee easy maintenance and extendability of your work. Even though this topic is deeply connected with the Writing of Object Oriented CSS it deserves it's own documentation. Using a naming convention makes you automatically think of CSS objects and you are going to modularize your website's components without even noticing it.

BEM Naming Convention

There are different concepts of naming conventions out there. Personally I follow the rules of BEM syntax since it is pretty intuitive and easy to work with.

BEM (Block - Element - Modifier) Syntax follows this pattern:

.block {}
.block__element {}
.block--modifier {}
  • block represents the higher level of an abstraction or component.
  • block__element represents a descendent of .block that helps form .block as a whole.
  • block--modifier represents a different state or version of .block.

The reason for double rather than single hyphens and underscores is so that your block itself can be hyphen delimited, for example:

.product-teaser {} /* Block */
.product-teaser__image {} /* Element */
.product-teaser--dark {} /* Modifier */
.product-teaser--disabled {} /* Modifier */

BEM is able to tell other developers more about what your markup is meant to do just by its name. Reading through the HTML markup of a BEM based project will tell you exactly which parts are standalone components, wich parts are children or elements of that component and which component is a simple modification of its base component. To use an analogy, think how the following things and elements are related: 1

.person {}
.person__hand {}
.person--female {}
.person--female__hand {}
.person__hand--left {}

The top-level block is a person which has elements, for example, hand. A person also has variations, such as female, and that variation in turn has elements. This again, but written in normal CSS:

.person {}
.hand {}
.female {}
.female-hand {}
.left-hand {}

These all make sense, but are somewhat disconnected. Take .female for example; female what? What about .hand a hand of a clock? A hand in a game of cards? By using BEM we can be more descriptive but also a lot more explicit; we tie concrete links to other elements of our code through naming alone. Powerful stuff.
