Use your command line and navigate to the root folder of your project and enter

$ bower init

After that you'll get some questions ask in order to generate bower's configuration file `bower.json``

name: project-name
version: 0.0.1
description: Project Description
main file: index.html
what types of modules does this package expose?: //leave empty
keywords: //leave empty
authors: Roland Lösslein <>
license: MIT
homepage: //leave empty
set currently installed components as dependencies?: Yes
add commonly ignored files to ignore list?: Yes
would you like to mark this package as private which prevents it from being accidentally published to the registry?: Yes

Make sure you don't commit and push your dependencies source files to the repository but exclude them using .gitignore when setting up your collaborative project

You are now ready to manage dependencies on third party libraries, frameworks and such using bower. Therefore you use your command line and the command bower install

You can install any kind of package, from a listed bower packet, to a github repository as well as a resource that is defined through a specific URL. The --save-dev attribute makes sure, that these dependencies will be listed in the bower.jsonfile.

// registered package
$ bower install jquery --save
// cetrtain version of a registered package
$ bower install jquery#1.11.1 --save
// GitHub shorthand
$ bower install desandro/masonry --save
// Git endpoint
$ bower install git:// --save
// URL
$ bower install --save

The installed packages are saved in your projects root folder named bower_components. Usually this components contain more than just the ressource you need. jQuery for example holds all the source files and you'll find the compiled jquery source in the dist folder of the package. To use it in your project you need to include this files in your javascript workflow and make sure, that your build system is aware of including it.